wrapping up 2007


as usual, year after year has gone by, seems like ever since 2005, time has been passing at the speed of light. so what really has happened in 2007? a little recap before we celebrate a new upcoming 2008 shall we?

one of the biggest thing i learn this year was – to choose your business partner carefully or go without any partner at all. if theres going to be partnership, it better be planned properly and make things 200% clear before jumping into anything. Otherwise, doing things singlehandedly is one of the best ways to go.

apart from that, having to move office twice and home once this year has made me an expert in …

1_looking for a good office and what its worth

2_shifting office and directing movers

3_ getting phone lines and best internet connections around

4_getting alarm system is essential for any new office

Business has also been growing tremendously ever since i moved out from the “didnt-quite-work-out” business partnership and that has really affected me. I also began working with bigger clients and bigger projects which really challenged my capability, which really gave me a huge boost to achieve most of my wishlist 🙂 special thanks to Mum and Dad, they both recommended 2 of my biggest clienteles this year.

Dad also has been supportive and helped 10% in the finance area on my first condominium purchase and with the in-coming jobs, i also manage to try out a very minimal contribution towards investment. 🙂
Manage to catch Phantom of the Opera at Singapore which i’ve longed to watch since ages ago, and had a fabulous time catching up with friends both at Hong Kong and Kuching. looking forward to visiting more places next year.

overall, i think 2007 is definitely a turning point year that made me grow up and think like a REAL adult…meaning getting old also la, its like 1999, where i first went to australia for my studies and in 2003 when i started my first job.

cheers to everyone, merry christmas and a happy new year to all~


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